Are You Opening a Cash Loan Business? 3 Tips for Choosing a Feather Flag That Attracts Customers

As a business owner, you know that keeping your expenses low is the key to helping more people obtain the cash loans that they need. While many companies have turned to options such as sign spinners, using a flag allows you to cut labor costs while also successfully marketing your business. Since a flag can last for many years, choosing this advertising strategy can also be more cost-effective than print options such as flyers and mailers. Now that you are ready to open your doors to the people in your area, you can use these three tips to select a feather flag that attracts people to your doors.

Consider Your Mounting Options

Cash loans feather flags are a popular way to advertise because they offer versatility regarding the location where you choose to put them. A ground mount is the most common option that people choose, and this simply involves pounding a stake into the ground that holds the pole and flag in place. This mounting option is best if you have fairly stable ground around your business that is soft enough to penetrate yet hard enough to support a pole and flag. If you don't have ideal ground around your office building, then you can use other options such as a corner mount to put the flag on an established pole or fence.

Look for Weather Resistance

The flag that you choose to fly needs to be able to withstand any type of weather. Look for a flag that is made from sturdy and durable material that is held firmly in place. Keep in mind that you should also look for a flag that features a windless design. These flags are made to stay open so that people can see it even on a calm day. 

Choose an Eye-Catching Design

Flags work best for advertising when they are designed to represent what your business offers and be able to catch someone's eye from down the street. Go with a bold, colorful design that people associate with happiness and money. The colors red, green and yellow are great options since they tend to stand out from normal building materials, and they all have a high energy feel that gets people excited. Your sign should also have a large font that people can read from far away, and don't be shy about including symbols. Seeing a dollar sign naturally arouses curiosity that makes people want to check out what your business has to offer.
